proud to be celebrating our 30th Anniversary!

Our Organic commitment

Organic Farming

We Were Here Before The Trend 

Indian Meadow Herbals, LLC® has been manufacturing high quality personal care products since 1994, long before the national organic program was implemented and before any personal care products were certified organic. 

Our Adherence to Regulations Sets Us Apart

In order to put the words “USDA Organic” on our products, the ingredients must adhere to the required USDA National Organic Program (NOP), which is upheld and monitored by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Product labels must be truthful regarding product names, claims, and contents.

70% of Our Products Are Certified Organic

12 of our 17 personal care products are certified organic and bear the USDA Certified Organic Seal because they contain 95% or more certified organic ingredients.

We Believe in Transparency

Unlike unregulated substances like herbal supplements, products that comply with the NOP are certified as organic to ensure the product you receive adheres to approved guidelines. In short, you can feel confident knowing that your Indian Meadow Herbals products are what we say they are.

We’re Committed to Sourcing the World’s Finest Ingredients

To create the best product possible, we source our ingredients directly from organic growers that practice organic agriculture. This approach takes all things into consideration, from the life cycle of the plants to the soil’s nutrient content. Our growers ensure their actions do not negatively impact nature’s resources. They monitor soil composition and harvest sustainably, so the earth will continue providing the finest organic ingredients and resources possible. Organic agriculture, therefore, is a way of managing how, when, and what types of things are grown in order to achieve maximum biodiversity while respecting biological cycles and the soil’s tolerances and needs.

We Aim to Reduce Our Impact on Mother Earth

Organic processors and handlers use practices that minimize environmental degradation and consumption of renewable resources to achieve agro-ecosystems that are ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable. From using certified organic seeds, to growing a plant and labeling the product, our entire manufacturing process must adhere to methods, practices, and ingredients that have been approved by a USDA government appointed certification agency.

We Follow the Highest Standards

MCIA inspects our production facility annually to ensure that our process complies with the standards.

We’re Dedicated to Earning Your Loyalty

Supporting organics is not just a job or hobby for us. It’s a way of life for everyone at Indian Meadow Herbals, and we work hard to create excellent, highly effective products that are as healthy as they are clean. We want everything you buy from IMH to feel like a gift to yourself, a loved one, and to Mother Earth.