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Breath-Body Connection

The Breath-Body Connection

Anxiety and irritability aren’t unique to menopause, but the effects on the body are the same. In most stressful situations, we tend to take shallow breaths from the upper part of the lungs. To quell the agitation, add a mindfulness or meditation session to your daily routine. Allow yourself to breathe deeply and slowly. Concentrate on the sensation of your ribcage expanding and collapsing while breathing naturally in and out. According to researchers, the “voluntary slowing down of breath frequency” results in “increased comfort, relaxation, pleasantness, vigor and alertness, and reduced symptoms of arousal, anxiety, depression, anger, and confusion.” We’ll take that over a prescription any day! And the good news is you can practice this type of breathing anywhere anytime.

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You people are the best! I am so looking forward to new products including a sunscreen and would love a foundation as well. Thank you for providing these wonderful products.

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